And yet , unique as this relationship between two countries may be , it is also shaped by general factors which define the challenges facing humanity as our century draws to a close 尽管两国人民的关系是独一无二的,仍由一些普通因素构成,这些因素在本世纪即将结束时明确了人类面临的各种挑战。
The third stage was through 1980 ' s , in which the research focused on how a novice became into an expert . at the beginning of this s tage , the research dealt with practical effects , motor skills , and the general factor model of transfer 第三个阶段在20世纪80年代,人们的研究重点集中于如何由新手变成专家,最初的研究方向分为练习效应、运动技能以及迁移的共同因素模型。
By consulting different kinds of materials and with the help of many years " experiences of school management , the author comments on its general factors of the establishment of the distinguishing feature of school , that is : a principal with high quality and good personality is the crux ; a group of educated and qualified teachers is the foundation ; unique teaching is the core ; teaching research is the guarantee and a comfortable environment is the assistant 笔者参阅了大量的资料,并在多年从事学校管理工作的基础上,论述了学校特色建设的基本条件,即拥有一位高素质、有个性的校长是关键;拥有一支高素质、有特色的教师队伍是基础;具有特色的教学是核心;加强教学科研是保证;宽松的外部环境是辅助。
This dissertation focuses on the issue of the present farming organization structure in china . the research framework is that , while constructing some fundamental frame of theory for the research of farming organization structure , the study explores the theoretical basis behind the present farming organization structure in china ; while probing into general factors hindering the changing of the organization structure , the study tries to find out the deep - seated reasons which made the current farming organization structure incommensurate to the situations nowadays ; while studying the changing trend of farming organization structure in modern agriculture , the study suggests a basic orientation for the farming organization structure in this country ; while historically analyzing the developing process of the farming organization structure since 1949 in china , the study strives to find out its changing track ; then , while concretely analyzing the status quo , characteristic and adaptability of the current farming organization structure in china , the study explores its existing problems and their impacts on the agricultural development ; finally on the bases of the analyses above , the study brings forward an innovative ideas , some patterns and countermeasures for the current farming organization structure in china 研究的总体思路是:通过农业生产组织结构基本理论框架的阐释,提出中国农业生产组织结构问题研究的理论依据;通过对生产组织结构变迁的一般影响因素的探讨,分析我国现阶段农业生产组织结构不合理的深层次原因;通过对现代农业中生产组织结构选择趋势的研究,指出现阶段中国农业生产组织结构模式选择的基本方向;通过对1949年以来我国农业生产组织结构变迁的过程进行历史分析,找出我国农业生产组织结构变迁的历史轨迹,以总结经验、吸取教训,使现阶段农业生产组织结构创新少走弯路;在理论分析和历史分析之后,具体剖析了中国农业生产组织结构的现状、特点以及对农业发展的适应性问题,揭示现阶段我国农业生产组织结构中存在的问题以及生产组织结构不合理对农业发展的影响;在上述铺垫的基础上,提出现阶段中国农业生产组织结构创新的思路、模式以及对策,以期对解决我国农业生产组织结构中存在的问题有所助益。
This thesis concentrates on regenerating corporation vitality by the way both of innovating corporation structure , management system and of altering organization behavior mode in order for corporation to meet challenging environment in 21st century . it begins with analyzing the general factors affecting pro and against the corporation vitality . and then , firstly certain institutional rearrangement in corporation is suggested to solve the fundamental problem in the power house of corporation 第二、在组织层次上,首先企业组织结构的基本模式-直线职能部制和事业部制本身存在阻碍企业活力的缺陷,其次在以出资者为中心的公司治理结构和传统泰勒主义的管理模式中关于生产要素中人力资源从属地位和人类行为反复常的假设与现实社会发展不符,阻碍了企业活力发挥。
general: adj. (opp. special) 1.一般的,综合 ...factor: n. 1.〔英国〕经销人;(代客买卖收取佣金的)经纪人; ...crystallized general factor: 结晶性一般因子general ability common factor: 智力因素general abnormality factor: 一般异常因素general initiation factor: 通用起始因子general intelligence factor: 一般智力因素 普通智慧因素general regulatory factor: 通用调节因子general transcription factor: 普通转录因子general: adj. (opp. special) 1.一般的,综合的,通用的。 2.普通的,广泛的,通常的。 3.全体的,总的;全面的,普遍的;概括的,大概的,大体的,笼统的;简略的。 4.【陆军】将官级的。 5.〔用于职衔后〕总…,…长。 the general affair 总务。 the general opinion 一般舆论。 a general attack 总攻击,全面进攻。 general knowledge 一般知识,常识。 a general meeting 大会,全会。 general principles 原则,总则,通则。 a general outline 大纲,概要。 the general programme 总纲。 the general public 公众,大众。 general readers 一般读者。 the general welfare 公共福利。 a general war 全面战争。 a general rainfall 普遍降雨。 a general verdict 【法律】一般评决。 the Attorney G- (美国的)司法部长,(英国的)总检查长。 consul general总领事。 secretary-general 秘书长。 as a general rule 原则上,一般地说。 for the general good 为公益。 in a general way 一般说来。 n. 1.〔英、美〕陆军[空军]上将,将军。 2.战略[战术]家。 3.【宗教】会长,团长。 (救世军的)最高司令。 4.〔the general〕 〔古语〕一般,全体,全面 (opp. particular) 〔古语〕一般人,庶民。 5.〔主 pl.〕通则,一般原则 (opp. particulars). 6.〔英口〕勤杂员。 G- of the air force 〔美军〕空军五星上将。 G- of the Armies 【美军】三军五星上将,三军元帅〔1919年美国给珀辛 (J.J.Pershing) 授的特别军衔〕。 G- of the army 【美军】陆军五星上将。 in general 一般;大体上(people in general普通老百姓)。 in the general 概括的说;全面;普通。 general will: 共同意志in general: (作定语)一般的; (作状语)一般来说,通常情况下,总的来说; 大体上,一般而言; 大体上;一般地; 概言之,一般说来; 通常,大体上; 通常,一般地说; 通常;大体上;一般而言; 一般,通常; 一般地、大体上; 一般来说,大体上; 一般说来,大体上; 总的来说,大体上; 总的说来; 总之,通常,一般说来; 总之,总的来说the general: ○; 大将军; 将军号; 岳飞a factor: 抽象因素factor: n. 1.〔英国〕经销人;(代客买卖收取佣金的)经纪人;代理商;代办人;〔苏格兰语〕 土地经管人。 2.要素,因素;原动力。 3.【物理学】系数,率;【数学】因子,因数;【化学】当量换算因数;【生物学】遗传因子,基因;【摄影】曝光系数。 4.倍;乘数;商。 amplification factor (电子管的)放大系数。 common factor 公因子,公因素。 the copper factor 含铜率。 engagement factor 【机械工程】接触比,重叠系数。 factor of safety 安全系数。 the factor of shape 【林业】形数。 increase by a factor of five 增加四倍。 the key factor 关键。 the plant [utility] factor 设备使用率。 resolution into factors 因数分解。 the visibility factor 视度。 3 and 5 are factors of 15. 三和五是十五的因子。 vt. 1.【数学】把…化为因子[因数]。 2.为…充当代理商;代理经营;代管(产业)。 factor out 析出因数。 factor a: a因子factor s: s因子factor t: 维生素tfactor Ⅴ: 第五血凝因子s factor: s因素; 空间能力因素; 修正率; 延伸因子t factor: t]t因子; t因子,维生素t; 转移因子will factor: 意志因素general effect, general action: 一般作用general meeting general assembly: 会员大会general narcotics, general anaesthetics: 全身麻醉药